On October 28, 2018 the InspireHer Society held its second LeadHERship Workshop. Facilitated by Tamreen Arif, MPA, the workshop focused heavily on Strength Based Leadership. Participants engaged in a half-day workshop to unlock their leadership potential.
What is strength based leadership?
At the core: strengths-based leadership is the underlying belief that people have several times more potential for growth building on their strengths, rather than fixing their weaknesses. When you focus on your strengths (aka your superpowers), you can identify and hone in on those skills which are unique to you.
What makes this workshop unique?
Unlike other workshops, there is some pre-work involved. One of the more unique activities is asking close friends and colleagues to provide 2-3 examples that describe you at your best self or when you made a difference/important contribution. Doing this type of self-reflection can be difficult and even feel strange, because we are not accustomed to talk about ourselves in this way. Although, it is a great way to understand how you perceive yourself vs. how others perceive you.
What was the feedback?
We were overwhelmed by the positive feedback this workshop brought participants. After walking participants through analyzing the feedback and identifying common theme, they better understood themselves through positive words.
Where do participants go from here?
After putting themes together, participants are able to identify a few actions that will help them to continue building on their strengths. From there, they can start to craft their personal vision statement.
Missed this workshop? Do not fret! We hope to continue offering this workshop every couple of months.