We are so grateful to everyone who came out to our mixer! To this day, we are overwhelmed with the excitement and support. We created this group to create a strong sense of community and none of this would have been possible without the strong female leaders that came to our event.
Read moreJune Speaker - Jocelyn Davison
Keynote Speaker
Women Meeting Women Mixer 2018
Who is Jocelyn Davison?
Jocelyn is the owner of The Virtual Effect, an event planning and branding company; and the founder of Elevate; a network of women in business looking to elevate one another, their skills, lives, and the community. She recently left her career of 16 years to pursue her passion business and do what fulfills her every day. With the core of her business being centered on connection and understanding, Jocelyn wants each client’s experience to be memorable and connected to the essence of their brand.
Aside from being a business owner, she strives to help other women entrepreneurs succeed. Her very popular "Brand Me Baby" workshop walks participants through branding basics, giving them a clear understanding of how to put their business out there.
What is Elevate?
Elevate is a network of women in business looking to elevate one another, elevate their skills, and elevate their lives to a new level. Through support and collaboration with like-minded women and community initiatives, the group aims to elevate the impact on the business community in Edmonton. Every month, Jocelyn holds a speaker series focused on a chosen topic. June's focus is to Elevate: Comfort Zones and how to break down those barriers. These events are of no cost, and she only asks that each participant brings a donation to the WIN House. Donations is collected upon entry into Elevate, and it is a great way to give back to the community we all love.
The InspireHer Event
We are very excited to welcome Jocelyn to our very first Networking Mixer. Bringing together other women's groups in the Edmonton area, this event acts as a catalyst to unify and empower the female community.
Photo credit to Lady Luck Studios
Resume Clinic
Career Advice and Resume Clinic
Learning to how to redesign your job hunting strategies and career path
April is a very busy month, especially when hiring season comes around and students are finishing final exams. The InspireHer Society decided to host a Resume Clinic featuring 9 highly skilled human resources professionals. The panel spoke about the following topics which we’ve decided to share with each of you.
What is the most important advice you would give to someone who is job hunting?
“Number one thing is to not get discouraged. It’s very competitive out there and all you can do is keep networking, keep putting yourself out there.” ~ Aly Moorji, City of Edmonton
What are some interesting facts you’d like to share with female job seekers in Edmonton?
“Did you know that in the first quarter of 2018, within the core age range of Canada (meaning between the ages of 25 - 54) the employment rate for women Canada actually grew more than that of men. Over 26,000 jobs were created. This means, that the momentum is building for women” ~ Katherine Brydges, Aerotek
What are the top mistakes to avoid on a resume/cover letter?
“Number one thing is spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. Remember to include dates on employment on your resume (Month/Year). How many times I’ve seen people addressing the wrong company in the job description. Also, it’s important to provide just the right amount of detail without overcompensating on skills rather than focusing on work experience. Visually, your resume must be appealing, and ensure it’s a word document or PDF that has been uploaded to avoid complicated formatting.” ~Kyla Settingiano, CIBC
A book or website you would recommend on career, leadership or self-development that could be useful?
“Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience and Finding Joy by Sheryl Sandberg” ~ Leilani Coralejo, ATCO
We hope this event was useful to every participant who came to get feedback on their resume. Feel free to contact us for more information regarding our future events!
Fundamentals of Leadership
Understanding Your Leadership Style
Start focusing on your strengths, rather than your weaknesses.
Leadership is not about a title or a designation. It's about impact, influence and inspiration. Too many times, we focus on the “what if’s”. What if something goes wrong? What if I’m not competent enough? What if I fail? It’s about time we start focusing on our strengths, rather than our weaknesses. Strength based leadership is about focusing on your strengths, and delegating tasks that you’re not as good at to others who are more skilled and experienced.
Whether we’re talking about weathering storms, or navigating our paths forward, the most powerful thing we can do for ourselves is taking the time to figure out what kind of leader we aspire to be. We all have different leadership styles and ways to connect with others.
That being said, the InspireHer Society created a workshop with guiding exercises to help women understand how to be their authentic self. Too often, we talk about leadership in opposition and comparison, rather than about different leadership approaches. On February 22, 2018 and March 1, 2018, the InspireHer Society held a two-part workshop called “The Fundamentals of Leadership” at the Board N Brew Cafe. This workshop had candid conversation and allowed participants a chance to better understanding themselves through mindful exercises. Women were provided with a hot meal, a printed leadership package and a chance to network with like-minded individuals.
At the end of the day this workshop explored values-based leadership and guided participants through activities to identify their personal leadership values. Part two of the workshop examined strengths-based leadership and helped participants discover their natural strengths and talents. In return, participants were able to apply their knowledge outside the workshop setting.
The InspireHer Society hopes to continue offering this workshop throughout the year as a valuable experience for all women. Please check out our events to discover more about upcoming programs offered by the InspireHer Society!
New Year, New You
Launching the InspireHer Society - Our Story
Have you ever noticed you were treated differently at work? Has society always defaulted the man as the expert and the woman as a support?
In 2017, a group of highly skilled and professional ladies came together and realized they shared something in common: they all experience the workplace differently. With women now transitioning into leadership roles, a profound change is already under way. There is now a new style of leader with different attributes and perspectives than what was traditionally before. That is when the members of the InspireHer Society realized that there is an opportunity and now was the time to seize it.
After a year of hard work and dedication, the InspireHer Society was founded by deeply intelligent and intensely practical women. These women wanted to share their experience of being treated differently than their male counterparts. It's now time for new styles of leaderships and women are ready to gain the mentorship they need to progress in their careers.
On January 25, 2018, the InspireHer Society launched their first event "New Year, New You" as a celebration of their accomplishment, but also a promise to women that they will continue to create workshops of value. The event allowed women to get a new head shot photo taken by a professional photographer, enjoy delicious food and connect with like-minded women who realize that profound changes are being made to old business models.
This event was a success, with over 50 people attending the Pint on Jasper. Women shared their ideas that and strategies that would be important for their career success.
The InspireHer society hopes to continue it's legacy, and grow the events to attract more women in the Edmonton area. "It's about giving them something of value", said Tamreen, the President of InspireHer "We want these women to walk away from our events feeling like they gained something practical that they can apply to their day-to-day lives".